
I get warm, wispy tingles
just watching you be you
from the first moment
you open those pretty eyes
until I feel you drift off
into the clouds of dream
breathing that slow, fragrant
rhythm that soothes my soul
like nature’s secret lullaby

I awaken to loving kisses
and your body pressed to mine
overwhelmed by rapture
doubting heaven could be
more perfect and blissful
than our secluded lair
where we lose track of time…
so you rush to get ready

I get warm, wispy tingles
just watching you be you
dolling up, I’m entranced
by your feminine ways
hypnotized by smooth curves
craving to simply gaze
at you for hours on end,
wrap you in my arms,
and hold you forever

rifling through your purse
finding those darned keys
you smile, hug and kiss me…
as my eyes follow those sexy hips
carrying you out to the world,
I feel lost and count the seconds
that drip through the hourglass
like molasses in a sieve

I wear your magic like a winter coat
but for whatever reason when I sense
a cold chill breaking though,
I feel panic like shards of glass
and wonder of some foolish thing
I might have done to diminish
that complete and absolute love
you feel safe in giving only to me…

then you return to my arms
like dawn’s promising rays
after a long, stormy night
and when I feel that loving glow again,
I thank the sun for your return
becoming giddy as a schoolboy
the afternoon before summer break
and I get warm, wispy tingles
just watching you be you

Santa Ana, California ‘15

Intro Image - Awareness Breathes by Jeremy Robinson
Intro Image - That's Amore by Anthony Falbo

US Copyright © 2009
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