my life dizzily spins
like Dorothy’s house
turbulent and unhinged…
nothing seems solid
just flashing frames
through a storm-broken
windowed stream of
half-lucid consciousness
but if I strain to steady
and squint up into
the vortex of my soul,
I see your pretty face
returning my yearning gaze
and I trust someday soon
I’ll return to your world
where we’ll always be
together, forever
where we can regain
every suppressed dream and
desperate, desolate moment
where holding your hand
is as easy as breathing
for now, like an orn’ry boy
counting the minutes
through boring lectures
and a wicked schoolmaster’s
high-pitched droning voice,
I can only envision recess
and the playground
of your body’s treasures
where I will romp and play
explore, experiment
and get comfortably lost in
the sweet innocence of
kisses, curves, and crevasses
while basking in the light
of your summer smile
Chicago, Illinois '14