better choose your tools
more carefully pretty lady
trying to throw my own words
back at me can be
guess what I think about
when you say the word… reciprocate?
do you know how a reciprocating,
piston driven device operates?
it's really sexy if you think about it.
I want to stroke that cylinder wall
with my piston right now...
wanna feel the heat build up
forget about the rings
so hot…orange, red, white freaking hot
we have to use high velocity air
or liquid running across us
while we "reciprocate"
to keep us cooled off...
can't just melt down
and fly apart...
ummmmm..I think my favorite engine
is a Cummins diesel...
how do you like Cummins baby?...
kick that clutch darlin'...
and let off easy now....
ummmmm..let's rev this bitch out
and see what she'll do?
feel that acceleration....
pull back in the seat
ride the vibrations.....
stand on the pedal.....
and soak in the heat
Runnells, Iowa '08