out of the corner

of enlightened eyes

the year million


if mankind survives


do we adapt?

are we replaced?

or enslaved?

by our own creation


maybe we too

are the product

of ancient intelligence

foggily remembered

but somehow forgotten


will there be a war?

will our fear beget

racism and hatred

against AI

and the rise

of android life?


can we coexist?

do we cyborgize?

do we become perpetual

by uploading our souls

into the collective cloud?


who can’t imagine

a clannish metaverse

in an intolerant

virtual world

after the machines

inherit the earth,

the solar system,

and the universe…

will it still be “us”?


maybe heaven

is merely a hive

religion tries to define

swarms of souls

orbiting their stars


maybe hell

is a sentence

of isolation…

a lonely comet

awaiting collision


until at last

all thought

merges into

the infinite mind


where we finally


if we hurt someone

we hurt ourselves

but if we love all

we find immortality